Cluster verification utility generating large number of xml files on “/u01” filesystem.

The grid home in Exadata’s dbnodes occupied a lot of space (70%):

[grid@exadatadm01vm02 cvures]# -df -kh /u01
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
69G 46G 20G 70% /u01

When consulting into MOS Doc ID 1964482.1 this is an expected behavior where cluster resource “ora.cvu” invokes clusterware health check every 6 hours and stores these reports under “$GRID_HOME/cvu/baseline” or “$ORACLE_BASE/crsdata/@global/cvu/baseline”.

However the cluster verification utility does not remove the xml files periodically which ultimately causes disk full.

According to Oracle’s note the bug is fixed as follows:

Bug 18143707 is fixed in
Bug 19703199 is fixed in GI PSU
Bug 20177779 is fixed in GI PSU
Bug 22594310 is fixed in GI PSU

The workaround is to remove these files manually.

There are several files *.xml with size 18M:

[grid@exadatadm01vm02 cvures]# pwd
[grid@exadatadm01vm02 cvures]# du -sh
21G .
[grid@exadatadm01vm02 cvures]# du -hs * | sort -h
18M cvucheckreport_511202022242.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202082241.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202082514.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202082752.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202083032.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202083312.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202083553.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202083830.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202084112.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202084350.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202084630.xml
18M cvucheckreport_51120208497.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202085150.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202085427.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202085711.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202085952.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202091032.xml
18M cvucheckreport_51120209137.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202091546.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202091825.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202092110.xml
18M cvucheckreport_51120209229.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202092346.xml
18M cvucheckreport_511202092622.xml
18M cvucheckreport_51120209292.xml



After removing the xml files older than 25 days, the “/u01” comes under threshold 70%.

[grid@exadatadm01vm02 cvures]# find /u01/app/grid/crsdata/@global/cvu/baseline/cvures/ \( -name "*.xml" -a -type f \) -mtime +25 -print -exec rm -f {} \;
[grid@exadatadm01vm02 cvures]# du -sh
3.7G .
[grid@exadatadm01vm02 cvures]# df -kh /u01
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
69G 29G 37G 45% /u01
[grid@exadatadm01vm02 cvures]#